Dipesh MajumdarAssociative array error on macOS for bash: : declare: -A: invalid optionChange shebang* fromMay 17, 2023May 17, 2023
Dipesh Majumdarmix of ‘and’, ‘or’ operators while grepping in shell scriptyou can have a mix of and and or in shell script in the following way.Apr 21, 2023Apr 21, 2023
Dipesh Majumdarexiting in appropriate manner if the command failed/passed in pipelinenice way of doing this is like this:Mar 30, 2023Mar 30, 2023
Dipesh Majumdarshell scripting — counting no. of occurrences of a small-string inside a large-stringCounting no. of occurrences of a small-string inside a large-stringOct 7, 2021Oct 7, 2021
Dipesh MajumdarShell scripting — if-elseif else condition with numbers/integers —Aug 11, 2021Aug 11, 2021
Dipesh Majumdarshell scripting — grepping on a columnSuppose you have a bunch of pod running and you want to select only those pods running for 22m (22 minutes). But there is a problem — the…Dec 3, 2020Dec 3, 2020
Dipesh MajumdarUsing awk, sed, xargs efficientlyThis is how you can replace string in multiple files:Oct 27, 2020Oct 27, 2020